Same Water
A time limited response (5 minutes maximum) to Jean Rath and Ursula Edgington.
We are the same people
Nervous about a new era
Of automation and artificial intelligence
About the role we will play
If any
I think we are all running scared
And instead of admitting it we have begun to take it out on each other
We have begin to take sides
We need to sort this out
For we all stand in the same water
And we need to do it now
Before we all collectively drown.
With a time limit of 5 minutes respond to Jean Rath and Ursula Edgington and wrap up a popetic inquiry session focussed on technology, teaching and higher education.
jason harding
Auckland, New Zealand
Anon skatepark scrawl. Tweed Heads.. 2020.
Reading Order
- ‘Who Are These People’ (jason harding)
- ‘Jean’s Rath’ (Jean Rath)
- ‘Ursula Responds’ (Ursula Edgington)
- ‘Same Water’ (jason harding)