We have to be honest
With ourselves
For beneath the surface
Of the events and the issues we focus on
The symptoms
And beneath the patterns
And the structures
That impede
The objects and the rituals
The institutions and their policies
Beneath the abstractions and the subsequent reductions
Lies us
And our beliefs
Our morals
Our expectations
Our egos
We are the roots
The root cause
And in that context we are also the keys
To the solutions.
I scribbled it down moments before a lecture which touched on systems thinking, design thinking and deep dives in relation to a ‘future design’ task.
‘Systms’ 2022. Letraset typeface transfer on road reflector.
Hotton. V. 2022. ‘The Iceberg Model Of Systems Thinking’. Dumbo Feather. Issue 69. Systems Change. p. 30-31.
Krznaric, R. 2021. ‘The Good Ancestor – How to Think Long Term in a Short-Term World’. Random House. UK.
Watts, A. 1957. ‘The Way of Zen’. Pantheon Books Inc. New York.
“When you say the music is abominable, listen to the sound of your own complaint”. Alan Watts. ‘In My Own Way’. New World Library. 2007. p 365.